Intelliglobe Deluxe Review
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Intelliglobe Deluxe Review

We absolutely love our Intelliglobe Deluxe! My children (ages 18, 16, and 11) have always been very interested in maps, globes, and atlases. They enjoy looking at the continents and oceans as well as looking for particular countries, waterways, and other landmarks. They were so very excited when we received our globe that they could…

Whodunnit Detective Spy Scope Lab Review and Giveaway {closed}
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Whodunnit Detective Spy Scope Lab Review and Giveaway {closed}

My family and I had the opportunity to review Edmund Scientifics Whodunnit Detective Spy Scope Lab and had an absolute blast with it! What our little investigators could do: The Whodunnit™ Experiments Guide provided detailed instruction on how to collect evidence, analyze clues and eliminate suspects based on the gathered data to solve various crime scenarios…

Four Ways to Graduate: Graduation Options for Homeschoolers
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Four Ways to Graduate: Graduation Options for Homeschoolers

Maybe you’ve been feeling called to homeschool through high school and are wondering about graduation options for homeschoolers. Maybe you are worried about the effect it will have on your child’s future. Will he get into college? Will she be able to get a good job? Homeschooling high school can indeed be a daunting task….

Galileoscope to teach
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Using the Galileoscope to Teach Astronomy Review & Giveaway {closed}

I am thrilled to be providing this review and a tiny glimpse into how I am using the Galileoscope to teach Astronomy. My daughters are absolutely enamored with astronomy, and so they will be the best ones to give their feedback on this fun astronomy tool! “The telescope works really well and makes stargazing so…

A Tool for Teaching Financial Literacy
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A Tool for Teaching Financial Literacy

If you’re like me, you want to teach your children about managing finances before they leave home. My husband and I made so many financial mistakes early in our marriage—mistakes that we might have known not to make with some training ahead of time. Back then, though, (We’ve been married for 22 years.) there wasn’t…

Can a Student Learn to Write by Imitating Good Writing?
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Can a Student Learn to Write by Imitating Good Writing?

A lot of adults today can look back on their time in elementary school, when they had to listen to an English teacher try to explain how to diagram sentences or memorize terms and phrases such as “pronominal,” “present participle” and “nonrestrictive appositive.” If you asked some of those adults if they actually learned anything…