Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers
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Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers

Toddlers are so much fun! They are active, curious, affectionate, and just plain fun! And while we don’t recommend spending much sit-down-at-a-desk learning time for toddlers, it’s still a great time to start teaching your little ones since toddlers are naturally curious and ready to learn and explore. If you’d like some great homeschooling ideas for…

Homeschool Curriculum Based on Learning Style
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Homeschool Curriculum Based on Learning Style

Homeschooling can be so much easier and so much more fun when we’re able to choose the right curriculum for our students! Years ago there wasn’t much available to homeschoolers as far as curriculum. We had to do the best we could with what was available. Now the opposite is true! There’s so much available…

Preventing Homeschool Burnout
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Preventing Homeschool Burnout

Let’s talk some more about homeschool burnout. (If you missed my first article earlier this month, you can read it here.) I’m Wendy, co-owner of the Hip Homeschool Moms site, and I’ve been homeschooling for 19 years. I’ve definitely felt burned out a few times, but I’ve learned some strategies and ideas for preventing burnout…

Things to Consider When Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum

Things to Consider When Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum

This time of year, many homeschoolers are busy preparing for a new school year, which includes deciding on which curriculum to use. Some homeschoolers stick to what works each year (which I highly recommend; if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it), but sometimes things just aren’t working, whether it’s your entire curriculum or just a…

Traditional, Boxed, Complete Homeschooling Curriculum and How It Worked for Us!
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Traditional, Boxed, Complete Homeschooling Curriculum and How It Worked for Us!

My family chose to use a full curriculum in our homeschool, and we didn’t deviate. We homeschooled for over 20 years and successfully graduated 4 children without changing our base curriculum. We found this to be a great relief,  and it gave us more time to be a family. How did we do it? First…