As Christians, we know the importance of talking to God – the importance of prayer. It is one of the highest priorities for our church leaders and, I think, for us as parents. After all, we are the leaders of our children.
But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. ~ Acts 6:4 ESV
I’ve been a Mom for over six years now so it makes sense that prayer would be very important to me. With the blessing of having my children, and the stresses known to come with them, I pray WAY more now than I used to.
As a Mother of two girls (so far) my priority is to raise my girls to become strong Godly Women – Proverbs 31 kind of women. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I have prayed that the Lord would work through me for Him. Make me the Mother they need me to be so that they may become the people He wants them to be.
You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 11:18-19 ESV
I recently came across this Bible Verse and it made me think. Yes, I’m teaching my children to study the Bible. It’s a huge part of our school day: Bible, Reading, Writing, Science, etc. But, am I really teaching my daughters how to pray? I mean, she knows the Lords prayer. She knows to begin her prayer by thanking God. But does she know HOW to pray for others? Does she truly know the power of prayer?
And when they prayed, the place in which they were gathering together was shaken, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. ~ Acts 4:31 ESV
WOW! This visual is what I want for my family! This is what I pray my children learn and desire to become – True Prayer Warriors For HIM!
After reading each of these verses I started feeling that I needed to show my girls how I pray for them. Show them how I ask God to move in their lives so that He may shine through them. I want my girls to hear me ask God to create a desire in each of them to become great Women of God. I believe there is power in their knowing that I am praying this – for them!
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Romans 15:5-6 ESV
The moment I read this verse, I claimed it for my family. “That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We are one voice! When we pray together I want to shake it up! I want my family to be filled with the Holly Spirit and speak the word of God with boldness! I desire for us to be devoted to prayer and the ministry of His word! And I will start by teaching His words to my children and guide them to see the power of prayer!
Can I get an AMEN!!!
What are your prayers and desires for your children?
Do you share them with your kids?
How are you helping your children/family become Prayer Warriors for HIM?
Megan lives in Chicago, IL with her high school sweet heart hubby and there two little girlies. She’s a Jesus Girl who has been homeschooling for 2 years and is loving how much her whole family is growing because of it. She loves photography, jogging outside and laughing with the kiddos. You can find Meg blogging over at Homeschoolin Mama, on facebook & on twitter.
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Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Prayer is so very powerful!
I think I am really just learning to pray in a way that is more than a check list, thanks thanks bless bless amen. The book “Power of a Praying Wife” has been helping me tremendously I think as your family hears you pray for them and others they learn how to pray. My family had a special lesson once a week called Family Night where we talked about a gospel principle we had many lessons on prayer but I don’t think it ever really sank in until because I was not focused on my relationship with my Savior and so when I didn’t get the answer I wanted or felt like I didn’t get an answer at all I got frustrated. I hope to teach my children that prayer is not a way for you to get what you want out of God as I have often treated it but a way for God to help you get out of life what he has in store
I’ve not read that book yet. But I am adding it to my list to read. We definitely tend to just pray for what we want – our prayers become greedy at times. That’s why I think its so important to teach our kids and ourselves how to pray and to feel there power.
I LOVE this post! What a great encouragment! I have been going through some of these same thoughts of how to go beyond just studying the Bible for my boys but teaching them to pray and to worship. Thank you for posting!
Great post and selected verses to point out the importance of teaching your children HOW to pray! I feel so blessed to be able to homeschool so that we can teach our children so much more than “school” subjects. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!
AMEN!! What an AWESOME post!! And can I just say, I *love* the term ‘Prayer Warrior’?
Scripture study, and prayer, is a big part of our day as well. I can tell you one tool, that has REALLY helped us become a ‘Family of Prayer Warriors’. Our wall chalkboard ‘Prayer List’! On it, we write the names of all of those who need our prayers, or ask for our prayers. With this list on our wall, for us all to see each day, those with such needs for our prayers, are kept in the forefront of our own minds. It is especially helpful for the kids, and it has also helped us remember to serve those as we can. The kids put names on the list themselves, and discussion of updates of those on the list, as well as answered prayers for them, often evolve during dinner, as we are gathered around the table.This Prayer List (a log framed chalkboard, like a list) was an idea I had on my own, and asked my husband to make for us. We found it so beneficial and loved having it so much in our family, that I shared the project/idea on our blog, and then people started asking if we could make one for them. So my husband has actually filled many orders for them now. Many get one for their own family, and one as a Christmas gift for a family member.
It really warms my heart, to know that this idea I had, is inspiring more prayer, and praying for others, in families everywhere. So, that’s one of the very successful ways I’ve helped my kids become stronger pray-ers, as well. : )
Oh good Meg!
I’m going to share a couple of links for you and anyone who wants to see what ours looks like. NOT to try and sell them or as any kind of pitch—I know many of you or your husbands are capable of making your own. But between the 2 posts, there are lots of photos, and you can see how we built ours to look, what different stains look like, or white paint, and a closer-up of the chalk holder. We made ours 2 years ago, and we still use ours daily! I’m glad you or anyone might be inspired by it. Blessings to you!
Thanks for your post, Meg. I’m always making a conscious effort to pray with my girls, as well as in their hearing. They’re already starting to pick up on the idea that you can pray for anything, at anytime, anywhere. It’s just touches my heart to hear their words and see their own relationships with God being formed. Your post is encouragement to continue on, and grow in holy boldness.
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Prayer is so very powerful!
Wonderful! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
I think I am really just learning to pray in a way that is more than a check list, thanks thanks bless bless amen. The book “Power of a Praying Wife” has been helping me tremendously I think as your family hears you pray for them and others they learn how to pray. My family had a special lesson once a week called Family Night where we talked about a gospel principle we had many lessons on prayer but I don’t think it ever really sank in until because I was not focused on my relationship with my Savior and so when I didn’t get the answer I wanted or felt like I didn’t get an answer at all I got frustrated. I hope to teach my children that prayer is not a way for you to get what you want out of God as I have often treated it but a way for God to help you get out of life what he has in store
I’ve not read that book yet. But I am adding it to my list to read. We definitely tend to just pray for what we want – our prayers become greedy at times. That’s why I think its so important to teach our kids and ourselves how to pray and to feel there power.
Oh….wow, I know we pray as a family, but that verse has never hit me that way…until now. Thank you!
Wonderful!!! <3
I have a prayer journal.
Prayer is powerful!
Yay! I just checked out your blog and downloaded your prayer journal sheet! Awesome – thank you!
Thanks! I copied as well!!
Amen. What a great family goal for us to all strive towards!
😉 It’s definitely a goal worth working towards!
I LOVE this post! What a great encouragment! I have been going through some of these same thoughts of how to go beyond just studying the Bible for my boys but teaching them to pray and to worship. Thank you for posting!
Thank you! I’m so glad it encouraged you!
Great post and selected verses to point out the importance of teaching your children HOW to pray! I feel so blessed to be able to homeschool so that we can teach our children so much more than “school” subjects. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!
So true! I really is the reason we homeschool too!
AMEN!! What an AWESOME post!! And can I just say, I *love* the term ‘Prayer Warrior’?
Scripture study, and prayer, is a big part of our day as well. I can tell you one tool, that has REALLY helped us become a ‘Family of Prayer Warriors’. Our wall chalkboard ‘Prayer List’! On it, we write the names of all of those who need our prayers, or ask for our prayers. With this list on our wall, for us all to see each day, those with such needs for our prayers, are kept in the forefront of our own minds. It is especially helpful for the kids, and it has also helped us remember to serve those as we can. The kids put names on the list themselves, and discussion of updates of those on the list, as well as answered prayers for them, often evolve during dinner, as we are gathered around the table.This Prayer List (a log framed chalkboard, like a list) was an idea I had on my own, and asked my husband to make for us. We found it so beneficial and loved having it so much in our family, that I shared the project/idea on our blog, and then people started asking if we could make one for them. So my husband has actually filled many orders for them now. Many get one for their own family, and one as a Christmas gift for a family member.
It really warms my heart, to know that this idea I had, is inspiring more prayer, and praying for others, in families everywhere. So, that’s one of the very successful ways I’ve helped my kids become stronger pray-ers, as well. : )
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I am totally going to use it! What a great way to keep everyone fresh on your mind. Thank you for sharing this!
Oh good Meg!
I’m going to share a couple of links for you and anyone who wants to see what ours looks like. NOT to try and sell them or as any kind of pitch—I know many of you or your husbands are capable of making your own. But between the 2 posts, there are lots of photos, and you can see how we built ours to look, what different stains look like, or white paint, and a closer-up of the chalk holder. We made ours 2 years ago, and we still use ours daily! I’m glad you or anyone might be inspired by it. Blessings to you!
Oh my goodness! Those are FANTASTIC!!! You are all so very talented!!! Thank you so much for sharing this!
Thanks for your post, Meg. I’m always making a conscious effort to pray with my girls, as well as in their hearing. They’re already starting to pick up on the idea that you can pray for anything, at anytime, anywhere. It’s just touches my heart to hear their words and see their own relationships with God being formed. Your post is encouragement to continue on, and grow in holy boldness.