Dear Mom Who’s Considering Homeschooling: Identify Your Reasons for Homeschooling

Dear Mom Who’s Considering Homeschooling: Identify Your Reasons for Homeschooling

If you are a mom who’s considering homeschooling, this series of posts is for you! The first post in this series talked about the need to learn about your state’s homeschool laws and how to do that. When I talk to moms who are thinking about homeschooling, I always tell them the first thing they need…

Dear Mom Who’s Considering Homeschooling (Post #2): Relationships and Behavior

Dear Mom Who’s Considering Homeschooling (Post #2): Relationships and Behavior

This is the second post in a series of posts for moms who are considering homeschooling or who are brand new homeschoolers. The first post addresses the importance of learning about your state’s homeschool-related laws and how you can do that. Future posts will address topics such as identifying your child’s learning style, choosing curriculum, deciding…

Homeschooling and Autism: How Our Homeschooling Journey Began
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Homeschooling and Autism: How Our Homeschooling Journey Began

My family’s homeschooling journey began in a different way than that of many other homeschooling families. You see, when I began homeschooling, my intention was actually to begin teaching my autistic child, Hannah, what she needed to know in order to go to public school. Because of her severe autism, she didn’t speak; she had…

Dear Mom Who’s Considering Homeschooling (Post #1): Your State’s Homeschool Laws

Dear Mom Who’s Considering Homeschooling (Post #1): Your State’s Homeschool Laws

The thought of homeschooling can be scary for moms who weren’t homeschooled themselves and have never homeschooled before. We (at Hip Homeschool Moms) have been hearing a lot lately from moms who are considering homeschooling but don’t quite know where to start. Some of them are fed up with public school.  Some have children with…

Intelliglobe Deluxe Review
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Intelliglobe Deluxe Review

We absolutely love our Intelliglobe Deluxe! My children (ages 18, 16, and 11) have always been very interested in maps, globes, and atlases. They enjoy looking at the continents and oceans as well as looking for particular countries, waterways, and other landmarks. They were so very excited when we received our globe that they could…