5 Quick & Easy Frugal Living Tips
Let’s face it, most of us could stand to have some extra money in our pockets! Between raising our families and homeschooling, the budget can be pretty tight, especially with the way the costs of things just seem to be soaring.
But trimming costs in little ways here and there can add up and make a difference. Here are just a few frugal living tips to get you started.
Why live frugally?
First, because it allows you to spend less than you earn and use the difference to pay off your debts, save for the future, or invest to make your hard-earned dollars go even further! (If you’re especially careful, maybe you will even be able to fit in all three.)
Second, because the less you spend, the less you will need to earn. What does this mean for you and your family? You can choose to work less and spend more time with your family and loved ones. Or you can choose to work more but be able to retire earlier than you otherwise might have.
Maybe you can even vacation more!
Bottom line… you have more options available to you by living a frugal lifestyle.
5 Quick & Easy Frugal Living Tips
1. Minimize Driving
This might take some planning ahead, but as much as possible, batch your errands together. Don’t run out to the store for a last-minute item. Not only do you spend money on gas and wear and tear, but you often will spend money on more than just the item(s) on your list. (Why look, a sale!)
Try to plan your errands based on the travel you are doing that week. Heading out for a homeschool class? Be sure to hit any stores, the library, the post office, etc. as a part of your route while you are already out and about!
2. Look for Used First
If you need something, see if someone you know has one that they don’t use or need anymore. Send out an email to family and friends, or consider asking around while you are out and about with various groups. If no one you know has what you are looking for, try freecycle.org or craigslist.org. (You’ll want to find one that’s in a location close to you.)
Also, be sure to check at garage sales and local thrift shops. This goes for clothing as well as other goods. You can save hundreds of dollars buying your children’s clothes used via hand-me-downs from people you know or buying from local thrift stores and sites like eBay.
3. Eat Out Less
Restaurants are expensive and can be less than healthy with their food options and prep. It is much cheaper and healthier to cook your food at home. In a hurry and don’t have a ton of time to cook? Try a crockpot meal!
This also includes “brown bagging” lunch for yourself and the kids! Leftovers are always a decent option for lunch, especially when you make extra for dinner.
4. Take Fewer Trips to the Store
Make fewer trips to the store by doing your meal planning in advance to save time & money. This minimizes the number of trips you will have to take to the grocery store. If you’re currently addicted to busyness, it might take some getting used to just saying no to those extra trips … but you and your family will feel better and more relaxed once you adopt this as your new normal.
5. Sell Clutter & Minimize Waste
Most of us have and buy way too much. Start to declutter by removing the excess from one room at a time. Pack it in bags and boxes and put it aside to have a garage sale when the weather is nice. You can also donate your good items to a local thrift store.
Look out for waste of resources like electricity and water. Turn lights off when you are not in a room, keep blinds open for more natural light, and lower the thermostat in the winter by wearing warmer clothes. Talk to your kids about this, and make sure they’re on board.
These frugal living tips are meant to be just a few quick and easy ones to start with. There are many more ways to trim excess spending and help you along your path to frugal living. Things like cutting back to one car, downsizing to a smaller house or vehicle, and cutting out cable/cell phone expenses are just a few.
What frugal living tips have worked to trim excess fat from your spending?
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Featured Image photo by Cottonbro Studio
I really like the suggestions. All those little errands add up and I never seem to be able to walk out of a store with just the item I went in for. I just quit my job of 16 years to homeschool and living on 1 pay check is a little scary so me and my husband are really examing where we waste money and how to be more frugal. We rarely eat out so when we do its really a treat to celebrate a birthday or anniversary. Recently went on vacation in Florida and planned trip in advance with Groupon and other deals. We also stayed with in laws the saved on hotels and food!