
The Forgotten Mom

The life of a homeschool mom is full of fabulous things. It is SO super amazing and I would not trade it for anything. Yet, in it, there lies a very real danger. Have you heard of the example of what to do when the oxygen masks pops out mid flight? The cabin is losing pressure quickly. Panic! Do you take care of yourself first or your children? While everything in you says your babies, the “correct answer” is yourself. For if you fall unconscious, you are clearly unable to help anybody any longer.

I think the same can be said for homeschooling. It is so easy to help everybody else first. In reality, the demands can be so very high that they are never all met. We have to be ok to leave some items on our to do list uncrossed. Likely, at all times, so that some very important areas can get some usually much needed attention. I certainly need constant help with this, but I am working on it and have found some fabulous tools in the process.

God– my relationship with God comes first and foremost. I went to a women’s conference recently with a good friend of mine. Two days SO very well spent. I soaked in so very much. It truly was amazing and needed. I plan to go yearly. It wasn’t a homeschool conference, a church retreat, or even a girls get away. While all of those are great and fabulous things, this was a bit different. A time for me to grow closer to the Lord. A time to concentrate on my relationship with Him, as His daughter.

During my time, I went to a workshop about creating meaningful quiet times with God and I was very moved by it. The thought of creating a special place where you go to meet with Him every day was discussed in detail. I have implemented this and while I am not perfect in attendance, I always treasure my time. The speaker recommended an amazing book, Jesus Calling. Buy it. It is seriously amazing. There is even a kids version that I plan to open our school days with everyday this year.

The main thing I walked away with from this conference is the concept that


How vital this becomes to my role as a teacher of my children.

My husband– Recently my husband and I had an overnight get away planned. I have to be honest, I was in the middle of picking out curriculum for next year and I did not want to go away. Somehow at the time it just seemed like too much effort. We went and had the best time ever. We decided 1 hour before the sitter arrived to go downtown (about 15 minutes away) and get a room at a hotel. We talked for hours and had a great time reconnecting. There were no excessive car rides, or plane trips. It was super budget friendly. We plan to do it again…and again and again.

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Lack of babysitters a problem? Trade things with your friends. Trade watching each others kids or anything you can. I helped my friend decorate her new house. She watched my kids overnight. Get creative. Make. it. happen. Getting away every so often for a bit of an extended period is super important. It is much different than a dinner out type of date night.

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Your physical health– This can be a touchy subject, but I firmly believe that God calls us to take care of our bodies. Satan would love nothing better than for us to be overweight, sluggish, and slaves to sugar and caffeine. It can take such a toll on our mood, our families, and the general tone of our home.

I recently became pretty serious about getting as healthy physically as I can. I have lost 47 pounds so far and I am not done. We have made significant changes in our eating: ridding our home of processed food, sugar, and chemically laden foods. The difference in all 6 of us is mind blowing, truly. It has been very hard in some ways, but so worth it. Forgive the phone photo, but when I went to get dressed the other morning, I realized just how far I have come. Don’t underestimate how much your physical health determines your days. I want to feel the way God intended us to feel. These bodies of ours are just amazing.

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I have listed three resources that have been life changing for me in this area of physical health.

Made to Crave

100 days of Real Food

It Starts With Food

Start small. Start big. Just start.

Our kids are so precious. As homeschool moms we are with them 24/7 and the demand and toll it can take can become unhealthy if we let it. We have to remember to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first. We have to put effort into our relationship with Jesus and our husbands. We have to take care of ourselves and be healthy and fit so we can have the energy to it takes to do what it is that we do. It is SO much better that way.

Don’t forget yourselves today, ladies. God created you a vibrant and beautiful woman. Our families need us to take care of them, yes, but also they need us to take care of ourselves.

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  1. Taking care of everyone is a big job for every mom. It’s something that makes us so special to our kids. However, if you are married, taking care of your relationship is also a top priority. As a working mom, I too feel pulled in so many directions and have to remember to take time out for myself daily. Luckily I’m able to sneak it in late at night after my kids are sleeping. But with my DH and I working odd schedules it’s a challenge to find 30 min. to talk to him before either one of us goes to sleep. We make it happen. That 30 minutes a night is a marraige saver. We also sneak away 1 weekend every few months thanks to having a son over 18yrs old and a retired MIL.

    1. It is SO hard. How great that you get some time at night and can have a weekend away every so often. Thanks for your comments. Best wishes as you continue to juggle your busy schedules with work and family life! Have a great Tuesday, Nita!

  2. Thank you for writing this! I have been a homeschooling mom for 13 yrs and was home schooled myself “back in the day” before it was cool. It is so important to keep a perspective and balance time. I absolutely LOVE your creativity and your suggestions. I did a lot of trading time and painting and things for help with my kids as well. When we really want something in life we make it happen. We have to be intentional in our marriage as well as our parenting. Kudos!

    1. How nice to hear from you Shelia 🙂 !!!! I totally agree, my dear- when we really want something in life we make it happen! Thanks for you comments! Happy Tuesday!

  3. Great advice. Taking care of everyone and everything is very fulfilling, but there are times when it’s also very exhausting and this is a great reminder that Its important to take care of myself as well.

    1. Thanks for your comments Debbie! It is a good point that it is fulfilling for us to take care of others! It is a good thing! It’s all about balance, right?! 🙂 Have a happy Tuesday!

  4. Darcy,

    Thank you so much for giving us a nudge to do what we know we should. It just gets hard when you are bogged down in the everyday. It is incredibly important to take care of ourselves in all areas in order to be there for our children. Thank you for sharing your personal story.


    1. The everyday is super good at bogging me down! It can be a big struggle! Thanks for you comments, Holly! Best wishes to you and have a great week!

  5. This is an excellent message! I’m going on my 16th year of homeschooling and keep thinking that “THIS” will be the year I finally get my act together!! Never happens 🙂

    I do 100% agree that we have to maintain our health – spiritually and physically – in order to be all we need to be for our families.

    Hope you have a great year!

    1. Debbie! I giggled at your comments! Wouldn’t we all be dangerous if we could get our act together? lol. Thanks for your note. Have a great week!

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