RED ALERT Iowa – Homeschool Bill with “Health and Wellness” Checks
RED ALERT Iowa – Homeschool Bill with “Health and Wellness” Checks
Iowa is another state which is attempting to implement legislation that will require health and wellness checks for homeschoolers but that is not all… this bill has some seriously scary aspects… keep reading!
There is another assault on the liberties of homeschooling families in Iowa. The new Bill, HF 272 is sponsored by State Representative Mary Mascher (D-Iowa).
A BILL FOR An Act relating to private instruction by adding reporting requirements and requiring school districts to conduct health and safety visits for children placed under independent private instruction or private instruction.
requires families selecting that option to submit the same form that was required under competent private instruction.
Scary Stuff in the Bill
I highly recommend reading the bill in its entirety… but here are a few items that raised my eyebrows:
- New homeschoolers would have to submit proof of vaccinations, including doing blood tests!
- “The board of directors of a school district shall conduct quarterly home visits to check on the health and safety of children located within the district who are receiving independent private instruction or private instruction.”
- it implies there will be an interview or observation of your children – and if you don’t agree to it… they will get Juvenile Court, or the District Court involved and even DHS!
- Annual education plans must be submitted for approval
- Annual testing for academic progress
More Bad News
Another bill just like this one (HF 100) was introduced late January.
HSLDA is involved
Scott Woodruff, senior counsel for HSLDA, told Caffeinated Thoughts:
[mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”800″ size=”20″ bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]Rep. Mascher’s HF 272, in addition to resurrecting long-dead paperwork requirements for homeschool families, treats them all like criminals. Without explaining who is going to pay for it—with school and child protective personnel already stretched beyond the breaking point—she wants to command that state agents come into the homes of every single homeschool family in the state four times a year. In what world do we waste money poking into the homes of thousands of people when there is not the slightest reason to believe an individual has done anything wrong? When people who believe that the government can, and should, solve all problems, this is the kind of utopian dream they dream. Dreams like that only get us closer to an Orwellian world. [/mks_pullquote]
Iowa Homeschool Groups are Involved
Currently, Homeschool Iowa (Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators) has registered opposition to the bill. The Iowa State Education Association has registered support.
Get Involved
California recently had a very similar situation and homeschoolers got involved and has squashed the proposed legislation. You can read about it here.
Homeschool Lesson
It is never too early to teach your children how the legislative process works in America. It is never too early for your children to see you active and involved in a cause you believe in. I highly recommend you take this opportunity to dive into a discussion about civics.
Do you remember School House Rocks? I STILL remember this video! It is a great place to start, even for older students.
Check out this book on Amazon. It is that you might want to review.
And if you like to make learning fun and your older children are interested, we actually have this game and love it. It is called Constitution Quest.
You can find lesson plans for Middle and High School Students. Click here.
And finally Brain Pop has some fun interactive games to help teach this subject!!
Hopefully this bill doesn’t come up again when the legislative session starts back up. It’s scary living in Iowa where so many “homeschoolers” keep neglecting their kids. I dont consider them true homeschoolers because they only claim to be one when they are questioned by the cops when they get caught. 🙁 we are fighting this hard. We have a Facebook group of moms and dads who organize lobby days as well as collect articles of school officials who break the law. And school parents who get caught neglecting their kids. We hope to show that it’s not just a homeschool issue. And that those who do homeschool have a reason for it. (There have been quite a few school officials being accused of inappropriate acts with their students.) Its scary to think how common it is now. 🙁