DEAL ALERT: Big League Foam Dart Blaster

Big League Foam Dart Blaster
Number of stars: 4.6 out of 5.

Durable Blaster Elite Gun : The blaster gun owns stronger solid plastic structure with improved drop-resistance.Better for children playing even drop frequently.

Quick Loading : Flexible to pull back for children. Carrying 6pcs refill pack in magazine . Fire a dart at a time.

10pcs Elite Darts and a Dart board: Come with power suction darts and smooth surface dartboard,child could play shooting game at will. Elite darts are compatible for most of nerf n –
stike guns.

Safety for Kids: Made of Eco-friendly material,soft suction dart tip lessen the panic even shooting at a wrong position.

Hero Play Fun: Carrying Elite dart guns, Child role plays with their family members or partners with n-strike elite gun in a nerf battle.

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