Inkblot Valentines
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Inkblot Valentines

You will need the following to make inkblot valentines: paper cutter or regular scissors 5 1/2 inch ( for medium hearts) and or 3 1/4 inch  ( for small hearts) white multimedia art paper optional: craft scissors with fancy edges glue red or pink valentine heart doilies- 20 to 28 ct. medium and/or small red,…

Song School Latin Review by Classical Academia Press
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Song School Latin Review by Classical Academia Press

Song School Latin Book 1 Program is a wonderful way to introduce your K-3rd graders to Latin! It’s fun for the student, easy for the teacher, and is great for teaching multiple children at the same time. Below you’ll find 3 reviews from 3 of our Hip Homeschool Moms team members. They were each provided…

Winter Educational Activities
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Winter Educational Activities

What child isn’t fascinated with snow? At the first sight of snow falling, my kids’ excitement goes through the roof and they start making plans to head out to make snow angels, snowballs, and snow forts. I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of bundling up all the kids (and then un-bundling them when they have…

Community Service in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
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Community Service in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

In January 2009 as President Obama was preparing to be sworn in as President of the United States, he was also visiting with wounded troops to commemorate MLK Jr. Day. He is quoted as saying: “As we honor that legacy, it’s not a day just to pause and reflect — it’s a day to act,”…

Ben Franklin’s Birthday Science Experiment
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Ben Franklin’s Birthday Science Experiment

Although Ben Franklin’s kite experiment resulted in the invention of the lightning rod which helps keep lighting from destroying our homes, that is not an experiment we want our children to try because it can be fatal. But the notion that there are negative and positive forces all around us can tell our students to…