7 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Start of the New Year (with Printable)
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7 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Start of the New Year (with Printable)

New Year’s resolutions are one of those things people tend to either love or hate.  For some, a resolution is a motivator.  For others, it’s just an annoying reminder of good intentions that never turned into anything more.   So you may not be enthusiastic about having your children make New Year’s resolutions.  It’s fine…

Dance Break

Dance Break

Oh my goodness, I love this guy! He deserves more than just a free tank of gas for his dance break! He totally made my day! And singing Bon Jovi! Gotta’ love it! Don’t miss the wife in the car laughing her head off! But watch out when gets out of the car!! She totally…

A Penny Saved….

A Penny Saved….

Do you want the new year (heck the new decade) to be when you actually start saving some money instead of spending everything you make and then wondering where it all went? It’s a great idea (really a necessity, though not many of us do it) to have an emergency fund set aside for unexpected…

New Year Exercise

New Year Exercise

It’s that time of year. Time to reflect on what is working and what is not. Both in our homeschools and in our lives. For me, my nemesis is exercise (thanks Hashimoto’s Disease! You can read about my diagnosis and struggle here.)  So as the new year begins, exercise is on my mind (again). And…