- Curriculas
- Latin Alive
Latin Alive
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- Latin
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Special offer ends August 31, 2015.The Latin Alive! series is a relevant, rigorous, yet engaging introduction to Latin for middle and high school students. This Latin curriculum will truly make the Latin language come alive both for students who have studied Latin (such as students who have completed the Latin for Children curriculum) and for those who have not been introduced to Latin.
Written by experienced and enthusiastic Latin teachers, the Latin Alive! series provides complete Latin training that enables students to read and translate original Latin. The Latin Alive! series features a unique blend of grammatical training and engaging reading of original Latin texts that will help maintain student interest and impart skill, capacity, and mastery. Where other curricula downplay training in grammar, the authors of this series have found a way to teach grammar so that students understand and enjoy it. The authors present Latin grammar in small, digestible sections that are clearly illustrated and explained.
For grades 9 and up.
Four levels available, level 1 to level 4.
User reviews
(This listing says Latin Alive is for grades 9+, but the publisher, Classical Academic Press, says a child with no previous Latin exposure can start Latin Alive in 7th grade. I'd say even a 6th grader who's interested or has some Latin background would do fine.)
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