Demographics and Metrics

Our customers want to know our audience is right for them. We chose to use Quantcast to provide you the reliable and accurate insight you need in order to make informed decisions about where you spend your advertising and marketing dollars. Quantcast is an American technology company, founded in 2006, that specializes in audience measurement and real-time advertising. In 2010, Quantcast’s Publisher Program was the first syndicated online traffic measurement service to receive official accreditation from the Media Rating Council (MRC). Quantcast received accreditation for its site-centric data, which means the product complies with the Interactive Advertising Bureau‘s advertising impression and audience reach measurement guidelines. Simply put.. you can’t fudge the numbers. To learn more about how they track and measure our numbers, visit their website. 


Gender % Comp Index
Male 10 21  
Female 90 176
Ages % Comp Index
0-18 15 153
18-24 8 115
25-34 20 228
35-44 29 300
45-54 16 171
55-64 7 108
65+ 3 55
Education % Comp Index
No College 29 65
Some College 50 122
Graduate School 21 145



Geographic Location Geographic Location (US)
countries 2c states c


Page Views:



Google Analytics:





Referral Sources:



Average Monthly Pageviews:

122,222 for 2017[/mks_one_third]


Quantcast US rank:



Mobile Web vs. Online traffic:

mobile web

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