Foreign Languages For Kids By Kids Spanish

Spanish for Kids by Kids was created to give parents a fun and easy way for their children to learn Spanish.

The Video Series incorporates a teaching style that Kit developed over a decade with her own children.  It combines immersion with visuals  – adding a good dose of humor and fun.  Kit believes this makes it easier for students to retain what they learned.  Painful memorization is not useful or fun.

The board game Dice Off™, challenges groups of kids to learn while they are having healthy, competitive fun.

Parenting Resolutions

Parenting Resolutions

We all spend our lives searching, searching, searching. We fall in love with noble quests in stories and great adventures in movies and epic accounts in history. All just magnificent synonyms for searching. I spent almost thirty years searching, mostly in all the wrong places. For love. Then for about ten years, assuming the effort…