Search Results for: thanksgiving

Are You Ready to Deal with Math-Quizzing Relatives This Holiday Season?
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Are You Ready to Deal with Math-Quizzing Relatives This Holiday Season?

It’s that time of year. The holiday season. The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are those which find most of us seeing all of those far-flung relatives that we visit only a few times each year. {Disclaimer: If you’re not familiar with my quirky sense of humor, read the first part of this article with…

The ULTIMATE Black Friday through Cyber Monday Deals Guide for Homeschoolers

The ULTIMATE Black Friday through Cyber Monday Deals Guide for Homeschoolers

You can’t beat the deals on Black Friday!  We’ve searched the Internet for you and found some of the best deals applicable to homeschoolers!  So, head on over and go shopping on the BEST Black Friday deals for Homeschoolers!  Find a deal you like?  Click the image to be taken to that deal!  Below you’ll…

It’s Fall, Y’all! Two Fun Fall Leaves Art and Science Activities
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It’s Fall, Y’all! Two Fun Fall Leaves Art and Science Activities

It’s Fall, Y’all!  If you are fortunate, you live in an area where bright green leaves are now turning brilliant hues of reds, oranges, and yellows. Those fallen leaves will become a great habitat and provide food for small animals during the coming months.  So why do trees’ leaves change colors and fall to the…